Sunday, April 28, 2019

3)过大礼 Betrothal gift (Guo Da Li)


广东/客家:一般以托盘来盛装礼品. 之后再将礼品送往准新的娘家.礼品包括了分别装进4封红包的礼金, 特定数量的礼饼, 2只鸡, 2瓶洋酒, 2对龙凤烛, 2套龙凤香, 19粒柑, 19粒苹果, 1 块红布(男方必须比女方的长,在婚礼当天挂在门楣,象征鸿运当头), 1大盘发糕, 一些蔬菜如生菜(象征生生不息), 芹菜(象征克勤克俭),青葱(象征聪明才智)及一块给准新娘未娶的兄长做裤子的布料(象征财富绵绵).

客家: 附加'煎堆'当作礼品.

福州: 一般把礼品装在红色的篮子(称为'萝格'或'格萝'). 礼金, 特定数量的福州礼饼, 2瓶洋酒, 整只烧猪, 1对龙凤烛, 1套龙凤香, 10粒柑, 10粒苹果, 2 块红布, 1对连根连叶的芋头, 1条手链及一块给准新娘未娶的兄长做裤子的布料, 一并送往准新娘的家.

潮洲/福建:有2次送礼日,在第一次送礼日(称为'送日子'), 男方将会送上部分的礼金, 10或12粒柑, 一些夹心饼, 连同择定的吉时良辰, 送到准新娘的家, 征求女方家长的同意. 在第2次送礼日, 男方会送上乘余的礼金, 礼饼, 12粒柑, 一些夹心饼, 整只烧猪, 2只鸡, 2瓶洋酒, 附加3套米棒(3根粘上芝麻; 另3根则粘上米粒), 红彩布2匹, 龙凤烛2对, 四点金.
Two weeks before the day of wedding the groom will visits the bride’s home and presents gifts which the ritual is called as the Betrothal gift or (Guo Da Li).

Guangodng /Hakka: The items need to be included in the basket are: 4 envelop of money packet (li jin) , a certain number of rinses, 2 chicken, 2 bottles of wine, 2 pairs of dragon & phoenix candle,  a piece of red cotton, 1 big tray of wedding pastries (fa gao), some vegetable: lettuce , celery, green onions,  and a piece of cotton for the bride’s unmarried brother

Fuzhou: money packet(li jin), a certain number of rinses, 2 bottles of wine, a roast pig, a pairs of dragon & phoenix candle,  a pairs of dragon & phoenix of joss sticks, 10 orange, 10 apples , a sweet potato, a bracelet and a piece of cotton for the bride’s unmarried brother

Teochew/Hokkian:  This tradition is made up by 2 parts – first, the groom visit the bride’s home and presents gifts, the items need to be included are money packet (li Jin), 10-12 oranges, peanut/rice candies; the items need to be included for second visit are:  balance part of money packet(li jin), a certain number of rinses, 12 orange, a roast pig, 2 chicken, 2 bottles of wine,  3 sets of rice rods, 3 set of  sesame rod , 2 piece of red cotton, 2 pair of dragon & phoenix candle, and  some gold.

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