Monday, April 29, 2019

4)回礼 Gifts for the Bride’s family to return to the bridgroom ( Hui Li)

当男方过大礼后, 女家便需要同日回礼予男家。礼品包括一些礼饼, 18个发糕, 两瓶橙汁, 瓜子(象征早生贵子), 莲子百合(象征百年好合), 蜜枣(象征甜甜蜜蜜), 龙眼, 茶叶, 8粒柑, 8粒苹果, 一并送往准新郎的家. 新娘母亲要买裤子, 裤带及皮包给女婿(象征买田买地荣华富贵).

广东/客家/福州:女家会 退还部分的聘金, 以表示女方家人乐意与男方分享. 礼品有1对根部完好无损的莲藕( 象征著期望新人将开枝散叶, 子孙满堂., 双方家长万寿无疆.)

潮洲/福建: 准新娘的家人必须给负责送礼金和礼品的人, 每人一封红包. 准新娘必须送给新郎的兄长每人一件面巾和一封红包, 送给未来家翁, 家姑每人一件面巾及一封大红包. 还会送上装著五种谷粒的小钱袋(象征家族的昌盛, 增长与生生不息), 2颗芋头, 2颗姜, 2根'九菜', 系上红纸的2块木炭, 2袋汤圆粉, 1条领带和带夹, 一封红包, 给准新郎家里的长辈买鞋穿. 给家公衣, 家婆鞋, 油麻菜子.

简化方法:以利是代替 代替猪肉的称为「猪肉金」;代替衣料的叫「衣料金」。利是封上要列明项目。但重要的礼品,事实上,最简单的方法是以「厚礼金」代替一切,即以一封大利是,写上「礼金大利是」便可。

After the Betrothal gift (Guo Da Li), on the same day the bride has to return some gift to the bridegroom, thing to be include in the return basket are: some biscuit(xi bing), 18 wedding pastries (Huat kueh) , 2 bottles of orange juice, some melon and lotus seeds , candied dates, longan , tea, 8 oranges and 8 apples. Besides that, the mother in law has to buy pants, belts and purses to the son in law as a symbol of good luck and prosperities.

Guangodng /Hakka/Fuzhou: They will return part of the money packet (ping jin) to the bridegroom as a symbol of the bride’s family is willing to share thing with the bridegroom’s family, besides that they will return a pair of lotus as a symbol of wishes for the couple to have their baby soon.

Teochew/Hokkian:  The bride’s family has to give red packet (Ang Pow) for the one who is responsible to send the basket of gift (Ping Jin/Ping li) to the bride’s house. Besides that, the Bride has to return with a piece of towel, a red packet (Ang Pow) and a small bag with 5 kinds of grain to the groom’s brother, sister and father in law as a symbol of prosperity while things to return to the groom's parents are:2 taro, 2 ginger, 2 chives, 2 charcoal bind with red paper, 2 bags of dumplings, a tie and a folder, a red packet(Ang pow), as a symbol for them to buy necessities things.

Simplified method: If you feel troublesome to prepare the entire thing, the easiest way is giving a red packet (ang pow) with a lot of money inside to replace it. Example: A red packet (ang pow) to replace pork is called "pork gold"; A red packet (ang pow) to replace cloth is called "clothing gold."

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