Monday, April 29, 2019

5)安床 Decoration for bridal chamber (An Chuang)

由'好命人'把新床稍微移动一下, 在新床的四角各置一封红包或缘钱, 象征无限的祝福, 但愿财运亨通, 富贵吉祥. 然后再让小男孩上床跳跃玩乐, 希望新人将来早生贵子, 子孙满堂. 床上还要放一些扁柏, 红枣, 2粒橙, 瓜子, 莲子百合及其他糖果. 衣橱:先把准新郎的衣服放进衣橱, 然后才放进准新娘的衣服. 一个双喜的红纸分别贴在衣橱的门, 梳妆镜及房门上. 所有桌子, 衣橱的抽屉, 必须放进一包缘钱, 一封红包或扁柏, 象征新人世世代代都丰衣足食.


福州: 床上放一束用红线绑著的连有叶子的橘子, 柑, 苹果, 莲子百合. 安床后, 任何人都不可以坐或睡在床上在进行'上头'仪式过后, 准新郎必须睡在床上。

潮洲/福建: 偏爱让家翁, 家姑或祖家翁主持安床仪式, 甚至有些准新人亲自进行此仪式. 放红包或缘钱. 安好床后, 它的位置就不许加以移动或要睡两个人, 一是新郎, 另一人是男性. 女孩子更不准坐在床上. 在进行'上头'仪式过后, 准新郎必须与一名生肖不相冲的小男孩同睡在床上, 据说可以早生贵子.


简化方法: 居住环境地方浅窄,也不用讲究安床,尽量不碰新床已足够了。

备注: 孕妇和带孝者在婚礼头一个月内不得进新房。 月事期间的妇女不可在安床后及结婚当晚进新房﹝新娘除外﹞。



Assign a “lucky guy”(Hao ming ren) to move the new bed and put a red packet(Ang pow) at each corner as a symbol of unlimited blessing, good luck and prosperities. Assign a little boy to play on bed as a symbol of wishes for the couple to have their baby soon. And then put some cypress, red dates, 2 orange, melon seeds, lotus seeds and other candy on bed. The bride only can put her dress into the closet after the groom put in his clothes. Others than clothes, things to put in into the closet are: a pack of money, a red packet (Ang pow), a cypress. A red word “Xi” has to paste and put on the closet’s door, vanity dresser, door, drawers as a symbol of prosperity.

(Fuzhou): Thing to put on the bed are: a brunch of orange, apple, and lotus lily tied with red line. After the bed put in order, no one can sit or sleep on the bed.  The Groom must sleep on the bed after the “Shang Tou” ritual.

(Teochew/Hokkian):  Normally they prefer the eldest to host the (An Chuang) ceremony, some even done by the bride and the groom themselves. After the bed put in order, no one can move, sit or sleep on the bed.  The Groom is must sleep on the bed after the “Shang Tou” ritual.

Simplified method: If you stay in a small room, no need for you to pay too much attention on (An Chuang) ceremony. Just make sure that no one can move, sit or sleep on the bed after the bed put in order.

The bride and the groom can choose to put a pair of doll in a wedding dress or their own clothes on the bed as a symbol they slept on the bed after the “An Chuang” ceremony. Remember to leave the bridal chamber’s lights on the whole night, even though there is no people inside the room, because in Chinese traditional wedding culture they believe that keep the light on is a symbolize to have a good marriage life.

Remark: Woman who is pregnant and those whose family members just pass away are not allowed to enter the bride room for the first month of marriage. Woman who is period is not allow to enter the bride room after the bed is put in order and during the night of wedding (except the bride)

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