Thursday, May 9, 2019

覆盖面纱 Covering Veil

中式面是一形的丝绸,通常有牡丹或案。传统背后的意在于人相信色面可以走不好的西,也可以遮盖新娘的面貌。在传统的中国婚礼式上,新娘的部将被一层红色的面遮住。直到所有的戚和朋友离开之后,覆盖的面纱才会被取下。传统上,新郎会使用一个小杆秤脱掉她新娘的头纱, 这也意味着新娘从此愿意地听他的意见

Covering veil which used in chinese wedding ceremony is a piece of square-shaped red color silk sews with the designed of peony or phoenix. The meaning behind this tradition is that people believe a red covering veil can called away the unauspicous things and also covers the nervous flushing face of the bride. During the traditional Chinese wedding ceremony, the bride is handed by her groom. Her head should be covered by a red veil which is falling down to her shoulder for whole ceremony. The covering veil is not taken off until all the relatives and friends have left. It is the groom's privilege to take off her covering veil by using a small steelyard.

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