Monday, August 5, 2019

中式婚礼布置需要什么,有哪些必不可少的元素或者道具?What are the essential elements you need to know when you want to decorate for a traditional Chinese wedding?

一、出门打红伞 婚礼摆红扇
古时新娘出门,需由伴娘撑起红伞护著新娘,过门至男方家.虽然现在流程简化,但我们仍然将这些习俗元素润入到婚礼中. 红伞跟红扇子一样有开枝散叶的含义

1) A red umbrella
In an ancient time, a red umbrella is used when the bride wants to get back to their chamber. The red umbrella is a symbol of wishes for the couple to enlarge the number of their family member after the marriage.

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