Thursday, August 8, 2019

中式婚礼布置需要什么,有哪些必不可少的元素或者道具?What are the essential elements you need to know when you want to decorate for a traditional Chinese wedding?

新人们最好选择喜庆单色的茶具,避免寿字、独龙、青松翠柏等图案。茶杯数量要根据双方长辈到场的人数来安排。一般上,盖碗杯是向近亲敬茶,如父母、爷爷奶奶等,其他亲戚则使用普通茶杯敬茶. 可以选用铁观音、普洱或香片。千万别用减肥茶,因为肥代表家肥屋润,而喝减肥茶将等同减少福气。想要更吉利,能于每杯茶中放入一双连核的红枣(枣核代表子孙),寓鸿运当头;而希望早生贵子的新人也可把一双不去皮的莲子置于茶中

4)A tea bowl which is used to serve tea to the eldest during the Chinese wedding’s tea ceremony
The couple has to prepare a set of tea bowl just for the usage in the tea ceremony. A tea bowl with cover is used to serve the couple’s parents and grand-parents meanwhile the relative is serving by normal tea bowl. Choice of tea can be “Tieguanyin” or “Pu'er”. A pair of red jujubes and a pair of unpeeled lotus can be add in into the tea as it bring the meaning of good fortune.

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