Wednesday, February 26, 2020

1)安床 Decoration for bridal chamber (Ann Ch’ng)

在旧时代,安床时,人们会将香蕉,芋头和柠檬草放在床旁。 由于现在很难找获所有的必要植物,因此该仪式已被排除在外。安床不能少的仪式是要求一个小男孩在准备好的床上滚动,这个仪式是希望这对新婚夫妇生下的第一个孩子是男婴。 滚床仪式完成后,床上会铺上一盘花,以免在安床仪式后到婚礼当天无人使用。

In the past, a comb of banana, yam plant and lemongrass were placed near the bed as the bed was dressed. Due to it is hard to get all the necessary plant, this ceremony has been excluding. The climax for “an chng” ceremony is asking a young boy rolling on the readied bed as a fervent wish that the first born will be a boy. Upon the completion of the rolling process, a platter of bunga rampay will place on the bed to avoid the bed is unoccupied until the wedding day.

土生华人的婚礼 Peranakan Wedding ceremony


A traditional Peranakan Wedding is a twelve days ceremony.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

马来半岛和印度尼西亚群岛的土生华人简介 Introduction for Peranakan


来半和印度尼西中找到 土生史开始于明代 (1446-1459)时的明代公主,恒李宝来到六甲下嫁于当时的苏苏尔·沙。公主的一部分随从也随她定居下来,并嫁了当地人的来人.第一代的土生华人就因为联婚后产生。 在土生人中最广泛使用的词是“巴巴”和“娘惹”,“巴巴”是指男性的土生人,而“娘惹”是指女性的土生人。

Peranakan is a sub-ethnic group which you can found in Malay Peninsula and Indonesian Archipelago. The history of Peranakan is started at Ming Dynasty where princess Hang Li Po married to Sultan Mansur Shah on (1446-1459). Part of the princess’s entourage settled down and married to the Malacca local’s Malay community. The cross marriages between Chinese and Malay is the first generation of Peranakan. “Baba” and “Nyonya” is term widely used in Peranakan, “Baba” is referring to a male Peranakan, and meanwhile “Nyonya” is referring to a female Peranakan.