Monday, April 29, 2019

6)上头Preparation a night before wedding (Shang Tou)

通常是在婚礼前一晚举行, 由'好命人'执行. 准新娘必须在准新郎完成仪式后至少一小时才能进行此仪式. 仪式前, 准新人须以加入柚叶的水沐浴, 换上全新及全白的睡衣, 内衣裤等. 仪式完成后, 准新人都不许站在屋外吸取雾气. 也不可以食用'上头鸡'也不许换其他服装. 下一次换衣, 就是穿婚纱礼服的时候了. 准新人必须食用汤圆, 乘余的汤圆, 将分派给所有的亲朋好友一起分享, 象征互相建立良好人际关系。

广东/客家: (仪式前) 准备3个盛满白米的罐子, 把3枝龙凤香, 1小棵橘子, 几片扁柏, 1把尺, 1把剪刀, 1面镜子和一些五色线插入中间的大罐子, 左边的罐子插入龙烛, 右边的罐子插入凤烛, 1对梳子, 2盒粉, 3小杯米酒, 3小杯茶, 3碗汤圆, 1只蒸鸡, 2片吊片, 1块猪肉, 5粒柑, 一些生菜, 芹菜和青葱.(仪式进行时) 准新郎必须面向墙, 背靠门; 而准新娘则刚好相反, 她必须面向门, 背靠墙. 用梳子在头发上连梳三次, 口里还得念;(仪式后) 新房的床中央放一个红色圆盘, 把一张圆形的红纸, 2封红包, 2粒柑, 瓜子, 龙眼, 莲子百合, 红枣, 用红线绑在一起的2块木炭放进红色圆盘内. 同时, 还放一盘鲜花在房里。

一梳梳到尾, (意思: 有始至终)
二梳梳到白发齐眉, (意思:和谐偕老)
三梳梳到儿孙满地, (意思:儿孙满堂)

福州: (仪式前)准备一些水果. 还要煮一些五颜六色的甜品, 汤圆. 上头用的东西如镜子, 梳子, 剪刀, 尺等, 需用红绳捆起来, 连同扁柏, 小蝶, 十对筷子, 插入一个盛满白米的罐子. 仪式前双方都得把身体洗干净, 准新郎得换上新的白色睡衣, 而准新娘得换上新的粉红色睡衣. (在执行上头仪式时) 可让亲友们观礼, 口里念著同样的词.

潮洲/福建: (仪式前) 准备12片有图案的'红龟'糕, 12捆系上红纸的面线, 3种不同形状的梳子, 3朵假华(1朵以白色制成, 2朵以红布制成)插入装满米的罐子里, 1条红色长线缠绕8或12圈, 1块煮熟涂上红粉的猪颈部份的肉, 1面竖镜, 1把尖端系有红纸的剪刀, 1个锁头(未上锁), 2枚50仙硬币, 2粒鸡蛋和一些煮熟的面线.(仪式进行时) 房门必须上锁, 闲人免进. 准新郎必须在自己的睡房内脸孔朝内进行, 准新娘则面朝祖先灵位, 三把梳子在头发上各梳三次.(仪式后) 锁头必须上锁. 准新郎或准新娘和帮忙上头的'好命婆'一起分享煮熟的两粒鸡蛋和面线.


The “Shang Tou” ceremony usually held at night a day before the wedding and it is carried out by a “lucky guy(Hao ming ren). Before the “Shang Tou” ceremony, the bride and the groom are requested to bath with grapefruit leaves, and wear new and all-white pajamas. The Bride can only proceed with the “Shang Tou” ceremony at least an hour after the groom has completes the “Shang Tou” ceremony.  During the “Shang Tou” ceremony the couple has to eat some dumpling, and the balance dumpling will be share with their friends and family as a symbol to establish good interpersonal relationships. After the ceremony is completed, the couple is not allowed to stand outside the room, or take out the pajamas till the next morning, They are also not allow to eat the sacrificial -especially “Shang Tou” chicken.

Guangdong / Hakka: (preparation before the “Shang Tou” ceremony) 3 jar of white rice, 3 dragon and phoenix joss stick, a bunch of orange, a few pieces of cypress, a ruler, a pair of scissors, a mirror and some five-color thread and put all of them into the middle of a big jar, the dragon candle is put on left while the phoenix candle is put on right hand side of the jar, a pair of combs, 2 boxes of powder, 3 small cup of rice wine, 3 small cups of tea, 3 bowl of dumplings, 1 steamed chicken, Pork, 5 orange, some lettuce(sang choi), celery and green onions.(During the ritual): The groom must face the wall; while the bride must face to the door to comb their hair for 3 times.(After the ritual): Put a red tray at the center of the bed with 2 red packet (ang pow), 2 oranges, some melon seeds, "longan", lotus lily, red dates, and a pair of charcoal tied with the red thread. At the same time, put some flower inside the room.

Fuzhou: (preparation before the “Shang Tou” ceremony) Things to tie up with red thread are: mirror, comb, a pair of scissors, and rural, besides that they also need to prepare some fruits, some colorful dessert, dumpling, cypress, plate, 10 pairs of chopsticks and a jar of white rice. Before the “Shang Tou” ceremony, the bride and the groom are requested to bath, the groom has to wear white pajamas whereas the bride has to wear pink pajamas.       
Teochew/Hokkian:  (preparation before the “Shang Tou” ceremony) 12 pieces of wedding pastries (Ang gu gui) 12 bale of noodles which each of them need to tie with red thread, 3 different types of combs, a piece of cooked with red powder pork, a mirror, a pair of scissors tie with red thread, an unlock lock, 2 piece of 50 cent coin, 2 eggs and some cooked noodles. Also required are white color of artificial flower and 2 red colors of artificial flowers to put into a full rice jar and then use a red thread to winding the jar up to 8 or 12 rounds.(During the ritual): The door must lock in order to avoid others to go in. The groom must face his room’s wall; while the bride must face to her ancestor memorial tablet. 3 combs will be used in this ceremony, each of them will be used to comb on hair for 3 times.(After the ritual): The lock must be locked. The bride and the groom have to share the eggs and noodle with the “lucky guy”(Hao ming ren).

Simplified method: There is no simplified method as the “Shang Tou” ritual is not as complicated as you think.

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