Tuesday, April 30, 2019

9)到达目的地 Arrived the bride’s house

迎娶车队抵达新娘家前50公尺左右,应放鞭炮告知车队已抵达,女方家人听见鞭炮声响后,也要鸣炮回应。当主礼车抵达新娘家门时,由一名娶女方家中男童手持茶盘,上头摆放2颗橘子或苹果欢迎新郎,此时新郎要回赠红包给男童。迎娶队伍进入女方家后,女方家人为表示欢迎,需准备汤圆,甜茶供客人食用。新郎及兄弟在 新娘家门外喝茶稍侯,等待迎接新娘。

When the limousine arrived, the bride’s younger brother holds a tray with two oranges/ apples inside to welcome his brother in law. At the same time, he will receive a red packet (ang pow) from his brother in law in return.

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