Monday, April 29, 2019

8)大喜之日-出发之前 On the wedding day

点香膜拜神明. 妈妈为他穿上大衣. 捧一束花送给新娘. 新郎向爸爸妈妈三鞠躬. 步入事先装饰妥当的轿车, 与兄弟出发. 女家: 新娘的父母将拉下她的头纱, 盖住她的整个脸。

广东/客家: 随带一托盘全只烧猪(象征著新娘纯洁无瑕)及一封红包, 装有18粒柑和2袋花生的托盘, 2瓶洋酒, 2只鸡, 2片吊片, 2棵生菜, 2棵芹菜, 2棵青葱, 1瓶米酒(供祭祀新娘的祖先).

潮洲/福建: 随带一大对猪前腿, 8至12粒柑放进篮子里。



The groom’s parents will help him put up his coat, and the groom gave his parent 3 bowing before departure. While for bride, the bride’s parents will pull down her veil to cover her whole face.

Guangdong / Hakka: Thing to bring along are: a tray of roast pig, a red packet (ang pow), 18 oranges, 2 bag of peanuts, 2 bottles of wine, 2 chicken, 2 dried squid, 2 Lettuce, 2 celery, 2 green onions and a bottle of rice wine as sacrificial to pray for the bride’s ancestors.

Teochew/Hokkian:  thing to bring along include a pair of pork front leg and 8-12 of oranges.

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