Wednesday, May 1, 2019

11) 迎娶 Procedure during the wedding


迎娶:新人不能够脱鞋, 新娘先向新郎三鞠躬. 把一束襟花结扣在新郎大衣的翻领上. 新郎带著花束赠新娘. 新郎掀开盖著新娘脸的头纱, 亲吻新娘的脸颊. 双方交换结婚戒指, 膜拜神明. 烧猪交去厨房(只取中间部分), 其余的用红纸包好, 连同一件给新郎的裤('女婿'), 2粒柑, 2粒苹果及1红包, 一并送返准新郎的家。

After the game:

The couple cannot take off their shoes; the bride and the groom have to bow to each other for 3 times, the bride help the groom to pin a lapel flower on his coat, while the groom will pass the bouquet flower to the bride and threw back the veil covered on the bride’s face, and kiss the bride cheek. The couple will exchange their wedding ring. After the ritual is complete, the couple will pray inside the bride’s home. Part of the roast pig will leave at the bride’s house the rest will bring back by the groom, with pants, 2 oranges, 2 apples and a red packet(ang pow)

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