Wednesday, May 1, 2019

12) 出门 Go back to the bridal chamber

向父母三鞠躬, 表示恩重如山, 亲情深似海. 门时, 新人应避免踩到门槛. 亲会用一把红伞遮挡新娘, 亲则把混合了 茶叶, 缘钱, 白米, 红豆, 绿豆, 菜籽等的打撒在新婚夫妇身上.. 新娘随后跟, 然后去新郎的家.新人在离开家前, 岳父, 母会赐新郎1碗百合莲子糖水.岳父, 母会请新郎吃'鸡蛋茶'/”甜茶’, 新郎不可把它吃完. 若新娘还有未娶的兄长, 需在门前挂上1长裤, 新人从裤下跨出门, 像征他们祝愿新娘的兄长财禄无疆. 新郎打开车门, 从右侧跨进车里.新人上车后, 新娘会把手帕丢掉, 像征抛离过往的童稚生涯与脾气, 从此改头换面做个好耐性的贤妻良母.

2. 有一說法是新娘離開家門,直到乘車離去前都不可以踩到門檻及回頭。

After the ceremony, the parents in law will give the groom a bowl of lotus syrup and “egg tea” but the groom is requested not to finish all the “egg tea” as a meaning of good luck. Before leaving, the couple has to give 3 bows to the bride’s parent as a symbol of grateful. If the bride’s elder brother is yet marry, he needs to put on trousers in front of the door to let the couple to pass under the pants.  The bride’s father will use a red umbrella to help the bride block the sun, while the bride‘s mother will sprinkle the combination of tea leaves, money, rice, red bean, mung bean, rapeseed etc to the couple. The groom will step in the car from the right followed by the bride. After get in into the car, the bride will throw away a handkerchief as a symbol of throw away the bad temper.

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