Thursday, May 2, 2019

13) 进门 Arrived the bridal chamber

新娘子迎新车队到达新郎家,由一位拿着橘子的小孩来迎接新人,新娘要摸一下橘子,并赠红包答礼。两个橘子要放到晚上,新娘自剥皮,意招来"寿"。进门时, 若新郎有未娶的兄, 需在前挂上1条长裤, 膜拜神明.
新郎的家人在进门, 长辈都不迎接新人. 当新人进门, 新郎的家人才迎接这对新人. 从女家来的甘蔗, 分开在男家的打口。
当新人抵达, 新郎的家人将不迎接新人。在膜拜神明后, 新人将返回新房, 面朝房坐在床沿, 新郎在左, 新娘在右, 像征双方平起平坐。


When the couple reaches the bridal chamber, they are welcome by the youngest and a kid who holds an orange in his hand, while the elder have to stay inside the house. The bride has to slightly touch the oranges and give a red packet to the kid in return. The orange will be keep till evening and eat by her as a symbol of prosperity. If the groom’s elder brother is yet marry, he needs to put on trousers in front of the door to let the couple to pass under the pants. The sugar cane bought by the bride will be tie up separately at the front gate of the groom’s house. After praying and met the elder, than only the couple can go back to their room.

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