Monday, August 19, 2019

中式婚礼布置需要什么,有哪些必不可少的元素或者道具?What are the essential elements you need to know when you want to decorate for a traditional Chinese wedding?


7) Flowers
Red color and purple color of peony, orchids and lotuses is the first choice used to decorate in traditional Chinese weddings. Orchids symbolic to elegant and pure love; peony is a Chinese national flower, it symbolic to prosperity; Lotus symbolic to holy. The pronunciation of lotus in mandarin is “bai he” which it brings the meaning that the couple will has a “sweet” life after their marriage.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

中式婚礼布置需要什么,有哪些必不可少的元素或者道具?What are the essential elements you need to know when you want to decorate for a traditional Chinese wedding?

中式六角食盒有中国人最喜欢的“6”的元素, “6”寓意事事顺利这也是对新人的美好祝福.

6)A hexagon snack box
Chinese likes to use hexagon food box, it is because the box has 6 angles, 6 in Chinese means everything go smooth, and as a good blessing for the couple.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

中式婚礼布置需要什么,有哪些必不可少的元素或者道具?What are the essential elements you need to know when you want to decorate for a traditional Chinese wedding?


5) A red lantern
Chinese called red lantern as “hong deng long”.The pronunciation of “Deng”is similar to “ren ding”; which means that the couple will build their next generation soonest after the marriage. 

Thursday, August 8, 2019

中式婚礼布置需要什么,有哪些必不可少的元素或者道具?What are the essential elements you need to know when you want to decorate for a traditional Chinese wedding?

新人们最好选择喜庆单色的茶具,避免寿字、独龙、青松翠柏等图案。茶杯数量要根据双方长辈到场的人数来安排。一般上,盖碗杯是向近亲敬茶,如父母、爷爷奶奶等,其他亲戚则使用普通茶杯敬茶. 可以选用铁观音、普洱或香片。千万别用减肥茶,因为肥代表家肥屋润,而喝减肥茶将等同减少福气。想要更吉利,能于每杯茶中放入一双连核的红枣(枣核代表子孙),寓鸿运当头;而希望早生贵子的新人也可把一双不去皮的莲子置于茶中

4)A tea bowl which is used to serve tea to the eldest during the Chinese wedding’s tea ceremony
The couple has to prepare a set of tea bowl just for the usage in the tea ceremony. A tea bowl with cover is used to serve the couple’s parents and grand-parents meanwhile the relative is serving by normal tea bowl. Choice of tea can be “Tieguanyin” or “Pu'er”. A pair of red jujubes and a pair of unpeeled lotus can be add in into the tea as it bring the meaning of good fortune.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

中式婚礼布置需要什么,有哪些必不可少的元素或者道具?What are the essential elements you need to know when you want to decorate for a traditional Chinese wedding?


3) Tools to take off the covering veil
For traditional Chinese wedding the specific tool which is used to take off the covering veil is called “xi ping”.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

中式婚礼布置需要什么,有哪些必不可少的元素或者道具?What are the essential elements you need to know when you want to decorate for a traditional Chinese wedding?


2) chinese traditional wine “nu er hong”
In an ancient time, a chinese traditional wine “nu er hong” which is serve in the wedding day is prepared by the parents when their daughter is in young age.

Monday, August 5, 2019

中式婚礼布置需要什么,有哪些必不可少的元素或者道具?What are the essential elements you need to know when you want to decorate for a traditional Chinese wedding?

一、出门打红伞 婚礼摆红扇
古时新娘出门,需由伴娘撑起红伞护著新娘,过门至男方家.虽然现在流程简化,但我们仍然将这些习俗元素润入到婚礼中. 红伞跟红扇子一样有开枝散叶的含义

1) A red umbrella
In an ancient time, a red umbrella is used when the bride wants to get back to their chamber. The red umbrella is a symbol of wishes for the couple to enlarge the number of their family member after the marriage.