Monday, May 27, 2019

婚礼上爸妈该穿什么 What can parents wear in the wedding?





Dad can choose to wear dinner suits or “zhongshan” suits depending on the venue of wedding. The color of socks, belts and shoes have to be consistence with the color of clothes.

The color of the suits has to be coordinate/consistence with what his wife wears.

Man’s accessories are simple, such as cuff-links, tie clips, necklaces and rings.

If the man does keep beards, just make sure it is clean and tidy. 

Friday, May 24, 2019

婚礼上爸妈该穿什么 What can parents wear in the wedding?

如果新娘选择龙凤褂裙,亲们会穿黑衣裙或全黑的五福或大五福. 如果新娘选择秀禾服,母亲们的衣服适合选择旗袍或中式礼服.




When the bride is wearing a “long feng gua”, the elder can wear “wu fu” or “wu da fu”, if the bride wears “song wo fu”, the elder can choose to wear cheongsam or dress.

Recommended color will be red, purple, gold, and not a sharp color. The designs for the dress are advisable not too over. It will be a prefect match if the elder can wear the dress with silk stockings and high heel.

The chosen accessories have to be consistency with the style of your dressing. Normally necklace is used to match with a dress without collar. Others accessories that mum can consider are: bracelets, handbags, ring, etc.

Just be Simple and natural.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

旗袍怎么搭配珠宝、发型 The jewelry and hairstyle when you wear cheongsam





An elegant design of necklace, earing, and bracelet is a perfect match when the bride is wearing cheongsam.A simple hairpin, or a wave-shaped bang, will make the bride look charming.

Monday, May 20, 2019

旗袍更适合哪类新娘 who & where can wear cheongsam


The design for cheongsam is emphasis on women’s body line, so bride who has good body shape will look gorgeous when she wearing it. Cheongsam is not an official traditional wedding custom, so is not recommending wearing it during the wedding but the bride can wear it during tea ceremony.

Friday, May 17, 2019

马来褂怎么搭配珠宝、发型 The jewelry and hairstyle when you wear “ma lai gua”



The jewelry
Recommended jewelry is gold, pearls and crystals, which will make the “ma lai gua” more presentable.

Hair style
Tight up all the hair in bun and the color of hair accessory has to be consistent with the color of the dress/“ma lai gua”

Thursday, May 16, 2019

马来褂适合哪类新娘和哪个环节穿? Who & where can wear "ma lai gua"


It is suitable for the bride with a large hip it is because the “A” line design can modify the body shape

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

秀禾服怎么搭配珠宝、发型?The jewelry and hair style when you wear “song wo fu”






Besides, the dragon & phoenix bracelet, the grown is a prefect mix and match with a more complex design and gorgeous crown.  

Hair style:

The hair style more or less same as the design for wearing a “long feng gua” or the bride can tight up all her hair in bun and leave some hair in front of her forehead. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

秀禾服适合哪类新娘和哪个环节穿? Who & where can wear "song wo fu"




The prohibition of wearing “song wo fu”
The design of“song wo fu” and “xiao feng xian” look alike, so the bride has to be very careful when differentiate it as in ancient time “xiao feng xian” is wear by the bride when a guy is taking her as a second wife.
The skirt’s design for “song wo fu”is stitch with dragons and phoenixes while the skirt for “xiao feng xian” is plain and made in slik. Besides the design of skirt is different, you can see a difference in the making of their collar.

Bride who suitable to wear “song wo fu”
Those who look chubby are suitable to wear “song wo fu, as the design is loose, it can used to cover the weakness of the bride.

When can wear “song wo fu”
The “song wo fu” is suitable to wear during the photo taking session and on the wedding day.

Monday, May 13, 2019

龙凤褂怎么搭配珠宝、发型?The jewelry and hair style when you wear “leng feng gua”





Traditionally, the golden dragon and phoenix bracelets given by the mother in law and relatives is the perfect match for wearing “long feng gua . People believe that the more the bride wears the more blessings she received. Besides, some of Hong Kong and Guangdong’s bride likes to wear a “pig” design of golden necklaces, Which it bring the meaning that the couple will have a lot of children after marriage.

Hair style:
Just tight up all the hair at the middle with some simple accessories.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

龙凤褂适合哪类新娘和哪个环节穿? Who & where can wear "long feng gua"





Bride who suitable to wear “long feng gua”
The cutting for “long feng gua” is slim and straight so it is suit for brides who look slim

The prohibition of “long feng gua”
You are advisable not to try the “long feng gua” in one piece but try the blouse and the skirt separately, it only can be wear once in your life time, once take off on the wedding day it cannot be wear again. Otherwise rumors say you will have “second marriage”

When can wear “long feng gua”
“long feng gua” is an old time official marriage custom, so it is most suitable to wear in wedding day 

Friday, May 10, 2019

婚鞋 Wedding shoes

在婚礼期间,新娘通常会穿一双特殊的婚鞋。在福建南部,新娘必须穿着一双绣有乌龟或鹿图案的鞋子,这象征着婚后会幸福和长寿。 在浙江省南部,新娘着会穿上一双名叫”上脚鞋”的鞋子(踏入轿车时穿的鞋子)才能进入轿车,这是为了祈求吉祥。 新娘, 朋友或其他人都可以制作婚鞋。 这些鞋子的布料为红色和绿色,通常鞋底柔软。 当新娘要进入轿车时,她应该穿这双鞋。相信,为新娘制作婚鞋可以获得好运。

During the wedding ceremony, the bride usually wears a special pair of wedding shoes. Traditionally, in Southern Fujian Province, the bride has to wear a pair of shoes embroidered with patterns of a turtle or a deer, which symbolizes blessing, happiness and longevity after marriage. In southern Zhejiang Province, the bride has to wear a pair of shoes named Shang Jiao Xie (shoes worn while stepping into the sedan chair) before getting into the sedan is for the sake of praying for auspiciousness. Either the bride or others can make the wedding shoes. These kinds of shoes are made with red and green cloth and usually with a soft sole. When a bride is going to step into the sedan chair, she is supposed to wear these shoes. In some places, relatives who make such shoes for bride can receive good fortune.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

凤冠 Chinese Phoenix Coronet

中国的凤冠,是古代女性最尊贵的饰物。凤凰皇冠最初始于明代。当时,头戴凤冠身穿凤凰霞才算是完美的中式婚纱组合。最初, 冠和等级长为皇后设计;凤凰皇冠是女王在参加重要场合时佩戴的王冠,如接受王室贵族头衔,会见特使或举行王室招待会,这显示了皇后的地位和权力。后来,当明,清两代新娘结婚时,人们把这传统当作时尚,但是,这与使用钻石和珍珠制作的凤凰皇冠不同,普通人的凤冠是由丰富多彩的装饰和玉制成的, 并禁止龙凤图案。

Chinese Phoenix Coronet——凤冠 , namely means phoenix crown in Chinese, is the most honorable ornaments for ancient women. Phoenix coronets were first started in Ming Dynasty in ancient China. At that time, phoenix coronet and robe of rank —— 凤冠霞帔 (Chinese pinyin: feng-guan-xia-pei)  were the proper wedding dress for bride. At frist, phoenix coronet and robe of rank were designed especially for queens during Ming dynasty. Phoenix coronet was a crown for queen to wear in attending important occasions such as receiving nobility titles given by the royal family, meeting envoys or holding royal family receptions. And robes of ranks were together in the whole suit, showing queens status and power. Later the folks took this as a fashion tradition when brides got married during Ming and Qin Dynasties. But, unlike the queen's priceless crown which was made by highly-skilled masters using diamonds and pearls, the phoenix coronets for ordinary people were made of colorful decorations or jade if one was rich. Dragon and phoenix patterns were restrictively forbidden on folks phoenix coronets at that time. 

覆盖面纱 Covering Veil

中式面是一形的丝绸,通常有牡丹或案。传统背后的意在于人相信色面可以走不好的西,也可以遮盖新娘的面貌。在传统的中国婚礼式上,新娘的部将被一层红色的面遮住。直到所有的戚和朋友离开之后,覆盖的面纱才会被取下。传统上,新郎会使用一个小杆秤脱掉她新娘的头纱, 这也意味着新娘从此愿意地听他的意见

Covering veil which used in chinese wedding ceremony is a piece of square-shaped red color silk sews with the designed of peony or phoenix. The meaning behind this tradition is that people believe a red covering veil can called away the unauspicous things and also covers the nervous flushing face of the bride. During the traditional Chinese wedding ceremony, the bride is handed by her groom. Her head should be covered by a red veil which is falling down to her shoulder for whole ceremony. The covering veil is not taken off until all the relatives and friends have left. It is the groom's privilege to take off her covering veil by using a small steelyard.

旗袍 Cheongsam


Cheongsam is not an official traditional wedding custom, so is not recommending wearing it during the wedding.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

马来褂 “ma lai gua”




The origin of “ma lai gua” 马来褂is from china, it has been localized and amends by the Chinese who went to nanyang. The combination of Malaysia and china custom or now call as “ma lai gua” 马来褂 has brought back to china.

“ma lai gua” is a combination of “long feng gua” and “song wo fu”. The design for the blouse and skirt look like “long feng gua” and the design of its sleeve are a bit loose just like “song wo fu”, the “ma lai gua” is stitch with Indian silk, drilling, and beading. The patterns stitches on the “ma lai gua” are: peony, phoenix, peacock and some nanyang element. The difference for “ma lai gua” with “long feng gua” and “song wo fu” is the color is not just in red it can be any. Due to most of the “ma lai gua” is not in red hence it is not so recommend to wear it for wedding.

为什么很多名人都喜欢穿褂 Why a lot of Chinese celebrity like to wear "gua"


Now a day, a lot of Chinese celebrity like to wear “kuangua” during their wedding. It is because the design of “Kuangua” represents the meaning of joy and auspiciousness. The main design for “kuangua” is dragons and phoenixes which its pronunciation symbolic to the meaning of long lasting of love.  Besides dragons and phoenixes, the “kuanggua” also stitch with “yingyong” , butterfly, bats & pomegranates. All of this design contains a blessing to the bride.  

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

在婚礼上穿“秀禾服”的名人 Chinese celebrity who wear "song wo fu" in their wedding ceremony

在婚礼上穿“褂”的名人 Chinese celebrity who wear "gua" in their wedding ceremony

秀禾服 vs 龍鳳褂 “Song wo fu” vs “long feng gua”






Now a day, wearing traditional Chinese wedding gown in the wedding ceremony become a popular trend among the Chinese female celebrity.There are many kinds of Chinese traditional wedding gown; one of them are “long feng gua” and “song wo fu” and “long feng gua” still be the first choice choose by the Chinese celebrity to wear in their wedding ceremony.

Recently “song wo fu” become a new trend  wear by the Chinese celebrity in their wedding ceremony after a TV show  called “橘子紅了” released in the early of 2002 where the heroine:  Zhou Xun wore it in the movie.  The classical images where zhou xun wear the “song wo fu” impress everyone.

"Song Wo fu" is a skirt worn by a “Han” woman. The main design is a bit loose, flat cut; large sleeves, with a loose skirt. The main embroidery patterns for “song wo fu” are dragons and phoenixes, peony, goldfish, bats, pomegranates, koi, auspicious clouds, lilies, etc. Each embroidery pattern contains a blessing to the bride and it has a variety of unique meanings.

Monday, May 6, 2019

龙凤褂 longfeng gua


如今,龙凤褂在中国非常受欢迎, 主要流行于广东、潮汕、香港、澳门一代。龙凤褂是中国不可或缺的中式婚纱。 龙凤瓜以龙凤图案,赋予其吉祥的意义。 除了龙凤之外,龙凤瓜还出现了五个刺绣蝙蝠,意思是五福的到来。 龙凤瓜比上述三件中式婚纱更加简约,可以展现女性的曲线美。 在现代中国,当中新人们拍摄中式婚纱照时,会以凤冠霞为主,但是当他们为客人喝酒时,他们更喜欢龙凤瓜

“longfenggua” is Han costumes, which originated from the Ming Dynasty. In Qing Dynasty the blouses are called “gua”褂. Now a day a lot of Cantonese people would like to wear “gua” 褂 to get marry and the most famous hand-made of “gua”is made in Chaoshan. Hundred years ago different generations wear different kind of“gua”during the wedding ceremony. The bride usually wears red color of “gua wang”(褂王); the elders (the bride's mother, the groom's mother) will wear “MiFuFu or DaWuFu”; relatives (also known as elders, such as: aunt, aunt, sister, relatives, etc.) will wear“Zhongwufu”to “Wufubao”

“Longfenggua” (龙凤褂) is quite popular and be an indispensible Chinese wedding dress in China now a day. The dress is stitch with dragon and phoenix which mean to auspicious. Besides dragon and phoenix, you also can found five bats embroidered on the dress, which it bring the meaning of blessing  ”wu fu lin men”. The “longfenggua” is simpler than the old style Chinese wedding dress. Usually “fengguanxiapei” will be wear by the bridegroom during the photo taking session while “longfenggua” will be wear in wedding dinner.