Tuesday, April 7, 2020

3)chin pang仪式 Chin Pang Ceremony

接下来,将举行chin pang仪式,这是夫妻之间的第一次会面,新娘将带领新郎进入新房,然后新郎将揭开新娘的面纱。接着们将一起喝茶和一碗kuee ee (kuee ee在甜汤内的白色和红色的小饺子。)

Next, follows the Chin Pang Ceremony which marks the first meeting between the couple where the bride would lead the groom into the bridal chamber where he would unveil her. Together they would be served tea and a bowl of kueh ee – small white and red dumplings in a sweet broth.

Monday, April 6, 2020

2)Lap Chai和交换结婚礼物 Exchange of wedding gifts (lap Chai)

Lap Chai仪式通常在婚礼当天之前的周末举行,从这一天开始直到婚礼结束的第二天,红色的彩旗或chye kee将被悬挂在大门上,表示该住宅即将发生吉祥的事情。通常,新娘和新郎的代表都已确定最终要交换的礼物清单,这些礼物因家庭而异。 传统的礼物包括一对红色的龙凤烛。如果没有龙凤烛,可以用红包代替。嫁妆还包括 “ wang tetek”,一套衣服,珠宝和食品。 一般的规则是,返还所提供的一半,并用其他类似产品代替; 或将其替换为具有相似或相同价值的衣服和配件。通常嫁妆会被归还, 如果嫁妆被拿走了,那么这笔钱就应该用于购买新婚夫妇所需的物品。

The Lap Chai ceremony is normally held on the weekend prior to the actual wedding day which may coincide with the prenuptial dinner hosted by the bride’s family. Officially, the red bunting or chye kee is hung at the main door beginning from this day up to the day after the wedding is over. The hanging of the chai kee indicates that an auspicious occasion is about to occur in that home.

In most instances, both bride and groom’s representatives had determined and finalized the list of gifts to be exchanged and these gifts may differ from family to family. Traditional gifts will include a pair of red candles emblazoned with dragons and another pair attached with the phoenix cutouts. The candles may be dispensed with and replaced with an angpow instead. Also included is the dowry and ‘wang tetek’ (breast money – money remitted to the bride’s mother for her breast-fed milk), a set of clothing, jewellery and foodstuff. A general rule to follow is to return half of what is given and replaced with other similar produce in the case of foodstuff and candles; or to be replaced with something similar or same value for articles of clothing and accessories. The dowry is usually returned as accepting dowry is akin to the parents selling their daughter. If the dowry is taken, then the money should be channeled to purchasing items needed by the cash strapped bridal couple.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

1)安床 Decoration for bridal chamber (Ann Ch’ng)

在旧时代,安床时,人们会将香蕉,芋头和柠檬草放在床旁。 由于现在很难找获所有的必要植物,因此该仪式已被排除在外。安床不能少的仪式是要求一个小男孩在准备好的床上滚动,这个仪式是希望这对新婚夫妇生下的第一个孩子是男婴。 滚床仪式完成后,床上会铺上一盘花,以免在安床仪式后到婚礼当天无人使用。

In the past, a comb of banana, yam plant and lemongrass were placed near the bed as the bed was dressed. Due to it is hard to get all the necessary plant, this ceremony has been excluding. The climax for “an chng” ceremony is asking a young boy rolling on the readied bed as a fervent wish that the first born will be a boy. Upon the completion of the rolling process, a platter of bunga rampay will place on the bed to avoid the bed is unoccupied until the wedding day.

土生华人的婚礼 Peranakan Wedding ceremony


A traditional Peranakan Wedding is a twelve days ceremony.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

马来半岛和印度尼西亚群岛的土生华人简介 Introduction for Peranakan


来半和印度尼西中找到 土生史开始于明代 (1446-1459)时的明代公主,恒李宝来到六甲下嫁于当时的苏苏尔·沙。公主的一部分随从也随她定居下来,并嫁了当地人的来人.第一代的土生华人就因为联婚后产生。 在土生人中最广泛使用的词是“巴巴”和“娘惹”,“巴巴”是指男性的土生人,而“娘惹”是指女性的土生人。

Peranakan is a sub-ethnic group which you can found in Malay Peninsula and Indonesian Archipelago. The history of Peranakan is started at Ming Dynasty where princess Hang Li Po married to Sultan Mansur Shah on (1446-1459). Part of the princess’s entourage settled down and married to the Malacca local’s Malay community. The cross marriages between Chinese and Malay is the first generation of Peranakan. “Baba” and “Nyonya” is term widely used in Peranakan, “Baba” is referring to a male Peranakan, and meanwhile “Nyonya” is referring to a female Peranakan.

Monday, January 13, 2020

喜糖和糖果盒 Wedding candy



You can see a variety of wedding candy in most of the Chinese wedding. Wedding candy is wrapped by a beautiful candy boxes. The wedding candy is also a thanks gift to every guest who attends the wedding ceremony.
The most common type of wedding candy that you can found in the old time candy box is: chocolate, rock sugar, melon sugar and orange candy. But now a day, there are many type of wedding candy with a beautiful candy box that you can found in a shop. Those who choose a cute and colored candy most likely are young generation with the age around 23-29, while a selection for a branded chocolate maybe from the couples with age 30 and above. It is advisable to have 8 types of “soft and crispy “wedding candy to put inside the candy box. Dates, chocolate and lollipop are a must; while the rest can be decide by the couple base on their preference.

Monday, August 19, 2019

中式婚礼布置需要什么,有哪些必不可少的元素或者道具?What are the essential elements you need to know when you want to decorate for a traditional Chinese wedding?


7) Flowers
Red color and purple color of peony, orchids and lotuses is the first choice used to decorate in traditional Chinese weddings. Orchids symbolic to elegant and pure love; peony is a Chinese national flower, it symbolic to prosperity; Lotus symbolic to holy. The pronunciation of lotus in mandarin is “bai he” which it brings the meaning that the couple will has a “sweet” life after their marriage.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

中式婚礼布置需要什么,有哪些必不可少的元素或者道具?What are the essential elements you need to know when you want to decorate for a traditional Chinese wedding?

中式六角食盒有中国人最喜欢的“6”的元素, “6”寓意事事顺利这也是对新人的美好祝福.

6)A hexagon snack box
Chinese likes to use hexagon food box, it is because the box has 6 angles, 6 in Chinese means everything go smooth, and as a good blessing for the couple.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

中式婚礼布置需要什么,有哪些必不可少的元素或者道具?What are the essential elements you need to know when you want to decorate for a traditional Chinese wedding?


5) A red lantern
Chinese called red lantern as “hong deng long”.The pronunciation of “Deng”is similar to “ren ding”; which means that the couple will build their next generation soonest after the marriage. 

Thursday, August 8, 2019

中式婚礼布置需要什么,有哪些必不可少的元素或者道具?What are the essential elements you need to know when you want to decorate for a traditional Chinese wedding?

新人们最好选择喜庆单色的茶具,避免寿字、独龙、青松翠柏等图案。茶杯数量要根据双方长辈到场的人数来安排。一般上,盖碗杯是向近亲敬茶,如父母、爷爷奶奶等,其他亲戚则使用普通茶杯敬茶. 可以选用铁观音、普洱或香片。千万别用减肥茶,因为肥代表家肥屋润,而喝减肥茶将等同减少福气。想要更吉利,能于每杯茶中放入一双连核的红枣(枣核代表子孙),寓鸿运当头;而希望早生贵子的新人也可把一双不去皮的莲子置于茶中

4)A tea bowl which is used to serve tea to the eldest during the Chinese wedding’s tea ceremony
The couple has to prepare a set of tea bowl just for the usage in the tea ceremony. A tea bowl with cover is used to serve the couple’s parents and grand-parents meanwhile the relative is serving by normal tea bowl. Choice of tea can be “Tieguanyin” or “Pu'er”. A pair of red jujubes and a pair of unpeeled lotus can be add in into the tea as it bring the meaning of good fortune.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

中式婚礼布置需要什么,有哪些必不可少的元素或者道具?What are the essential elements you need to know when you want to decorate for a traditional Chinese wedding?


3) Tools to take off the covering veil
For traditional Chinese wedding the specific tool which is used to take off the covering veil is called “xi ping”.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

中式婚礼布置需要什么,有哪些必不可少的元素或者道具?What are the essential elements you need to know when you want to decorate for a traditional Chinese wedding?


2) chinese traditional wine “nu er hong”
In an ancient time, a chinese traditional wine “nu er hong” which is serve in the wedding day is prepared by the parents when their daughter is in young age.

Monday, August 5, 2019

中式婚礼布置需要什么,有哪些必不可少的元素或者道具?What are the essential elements you need to know when you want to decorate for a traditional Chinese wedding?

一、出门打红伞 婚礼摆红扇
古时新娘出门,需由伴娘撑起红伞护著新娘,过门至男方家.虽然现在流程简化,但我们仍然将这些习俗元素润入到婚礼中. 红伞跟红扇子一样有开枝散叶的含义

1) A red umbrella
In an ancient time, a red umbrella is used when the bride wants to get back to their chamber. The red umbrella is a symbol of wishes for the couple to enlarge the number of their family member after the marriage.